Project development
The path from an initial project idea to the submitted proposal is often difficult and takes time. The idea must be further developed, a suitable funding opportunity must be found and a convincing application must be written. EuroVienna helps you with all these steps!
Discover the clients for whom we have already provided these services!
Funding consultation
Do you have a project idea but don't know which funding instrument to apply to, or do you need help to develop it an make it concrete? We can support you.
We organise training courses and workshops on the topics relevant to you relating to EU-funding, project submissions, project management and financial statements and show you where you might find what you are looking for in the EU-funding catalogue!
If you already have a project idea and need help to develop it further and find suitable funding, we offer funding consultation. During consulting sessions/workshops (virtual or face-to-face), we will help you to develop your project ideas further and work out your needs and the requirements for any funding.
For project ideas that are already concrete, we carry out funding screenings in which we analyse possible funding instruments for you, including current and, if known, future calls for project proposals. We search national and European funding instruments for you for suitable funding based on the parameters defined for the planned project. You will receive a document from us with details of the available funding, an assessment of its relevance, as well as a presentation of application deadlines and necessary partnerships and finally a recommendation for action. a final recommendation for action.
Once a project idea is fully developed, we will help you to create a concept that takes into account the instruments identified in the funding screening or calls for submissions. This includes project objectives, expected project results and the impact of your project.

Support during the application phase
Applying for funding requires comprehensive knowledge of the regulations as well as the strategies and priorities of an EU-funding instrument. We support you in all steps of the application process - depending on your needs. Based on your input we can also draft the entire project application. Our support covers tasks such as:
- Preparation and monitoring of a timetable until the application is submitted on time;
- Organization and moderation of preparatory meetings;
- Finding suitable consortium partners - many EU-funding instruments only allow submissions from a project consortium with partners in different countries. This means that you may need partners for the implementation of your project;
- Checking and adapting the relevance of the project objectives to the objectives and strategies of the funding instrument;
- Supporting the preparation of the written application (e.g. definition and formulation of objectives, work packages and tasks, preparation of time schedules and milestone plans or the communication plan);
- Support with budgeting and monitoring a balanced cost-benefit ratio;
- Monitoring of the qualifications and completeness of the necessary annexes.