Learning © Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

Training program for municipal funding managers in the central region of Carinthia

Funding programme



Zentralraum Kärnten +


November 2021 - March 2023

EuroVienna conducted training courses for employees of the municipalities in the Carinthia central region on EU funding.

Administration & Governance, Institutional Capacity & CooperationEducation & Training, Children & Youth, MediaRural & Urban Development/Planning

EuroVienna's services

Organization of workshops: EuroVienna organized and designed a total of ten workshops on the topics of EU funding and project development.

Central Carinthia group work © Verein Zentralraum Kärnten+
Central Carinthia Group picture outside © Verein Zentralraum Kärnten+

Project summary

The aim of the municipal funding manager was to strengthen the expertise of municipal employees with regard to EU funding. In addition, networking was to take place and joint projects were to be developed. Around 50 people were trained in a total of ten workshops. In addition, one workshop provided support for the development of potential funding projects and project ideas that had already been developed were edited accordingly.

Project area: Carinthia

Website(s): https://www.zentralraumktn.at/