Excellence-in-ReSTI: Excellence in project management for research, social and technological innovation
Funding programmeInterreg Danube Transnational Programme | clientInterreg Danube Transnational Programme | durationFebruary 2017 - July 2019 |
The management of research and innovation projects requires specific competences that were not yet fully developed in the Danube Region. Specific support in this area was provided through innovative training and by offering a helpdesk service, developing strategies and roadmaps to improve the administration and management of research and technological and social innovation systems.
EuroVienna's services
Project development:
EuroVienna was involved in the application process of the project and made a decisive contribution to the approval of the project by contributing the EuroAccess initiative and the helpdesk.
Project management/project partners:
- Helpdesk: EuroVienna strengthened the implementation of the project, particularly in WP6 (Helpdesk). The transfer of know-how and the synergies with the EuroAccess Danube project increased the impact. EuroVienna's experience and expertise in the field of project management and consultancy services for all phases of project implementation (project concept development, application process, implementation, financial management, reporting, evaluation and audit) were of great importance for the project. One of EuroVienna's core competencies was providing advice on EU funding. EuroVienna carried out a survey for the City of Vienna and its international partners on EU-funded projects that have already been implemented or are in the planning stage. 70 municipal departments of the City of Vienna and more than 100 city-owned companies were surveyed. As a result, more than 110 projects were examined for possible EU funding opportunities.
- EuroAccess Danube Region: Through the successful implementation of the EuroAccess Danube Region funding opportunity search tool, EuroVienna has gained valuable insights into the needs and requirements of potential beneficiaries in the Danube region. EuroVienna was thus a central point of contact not only for public bodies and companies in the City of Vienna, but also for other project beneficiaries, particularly, but not exclusively, in the Danube region. The specialist area covers a broad spectrum of financing channels and all phases of project implementation. With funding from the EC/DG Regio, EuroVienna developed EuroAccess Danube Region. This online search tool for EU funding in the Danube region was launched in 2016. It aims to achieve a higher and more efficient absorption of EU-funds in the region. The Excellence-in-ReSTI project complemented EuroAccess Danube Region by providing a helpdesk for concrete and individual support for applicants or institutions interested in EU funding. The helpdesk was implemented at EuroVienna; the project managers at EuroVienna answer inquiries directly or forward them to the project partners.
Project summary
The management of research and innovation projects, especially social innovation, requires specific skills that need to be further developed in the Danube region. The aim of the project was to provide targeted support to young project managers and administrators in public and private research & innovation institutions (R&I) in order to increase the quality of all types of (technological, social and research-based) innovation projects in the Danube Region.
In connection with the pilot course, an easy-to-use and service-oriented helpdesk was set up to provide concrete and individual support to young leaders and administrators as well as the broader stakeholder group in the region in the preparation of EU, transnational and national R& I projects.
The project also included a work package focusing on strategic aspects, through which relevant networks were established, gaps and opportunities identified, policy recommendations formulated, national and Danube region roadmaps and strategies elaborated and guidelines developed.
Results and impact
Through its activities, Excellence-in-ReSTI increased the quality of R&I projects implemented in the Danube region and improved the competencies, skills and employability of young leaders.
The project goal was achieved through the development of several innovative course modules focusing on the skills closely related to the acquisition and management of R& I projects, which served as a background for a full transnational intercultural academic curriculum for young managers and administrators, which was introduced as a pilot course in the 2018/19 academic year. Based on the needs assessment of the target group, the modules included knowledge management and information, funding for R& I projects at EU and national level, technology transfer, intellectual property rights, business models, time and team management, among others.
Project partners:
- Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (Austria)
- Applied Research and Communications Fund (Bulgaria)
- Univerzita Karlova (Czech Republic)
- Digitális Jólét Nonprofit Kft (Hungary)
- Eurovienna EU consulting and management GmbH (Austria)
- Fachhochschule Burgenland (Austria)
- Ministarstvo ekonomije – Direkcija za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeca (Montenegro)
- Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Social Innovatoin Lab (Germany)
- University of Belgrade (Serbia)
- Univerza v Ljubljani (Slovenia)
Project area:
- Austria
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Hungary
- Montenegro
- Serbia
- Slovenia
- https://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/excellence-in-resti