Schloss Marchegg © Schloss Marchegg

Treasures: Treasures from Central Europe. Culture, nature, music

Funding programme

Interreg Slovakia-Austria


Municipality of Marchegg


October 2017 - December 2023

The aim of the project was to establish a sustainable institutional cooperation between the Slovak National Museum (SNM) and Music Museum Dolná Krupá, the municipality of Marchegg and the Austrian Museum of Folklore (ÖMV) in Vienna, which was developed together with the strategic partners in the fields of culture, nature and music in the Marchfeld/Little Carpathians region.

Arts & Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism


EuroVienna's services


  • Support in defining the project objectives and budget;
  • Budget planning;
  • Overall coordination of the application;
  • Application workshops.

Project and financial management:

  • EU project management and project control;
  • Start workshop;
  • Communication and coordination;
  • Report management - preparation of activity and financial reports;
  • Budget changes and amendments;
  • Workshops on institutionalizing cooperation.
Treasures symbol image © Robert Herbst

Project summary

Three pilot initiatives were launched to achieve the goal of sustainable cooperation:

  • Jointly conceived traveling exhibition "Treasures from Central Europe" (working title) as an exemplary model for further sustainable cooperation;
  • Partial renovation of Marchegg Castle;
  • Partial renovation of Dolná Krupá Castle (as well as the establishment of two display depots in Bratislava Castle).

The result was a cooperation agreement between all project partners until 2025, which defines the methodology and content of sustainable cooperation in order to further develop the Dolná Krupá and Marchegg castles in particular as cultural tourism attractions.

The Marchfeld/Little Carpathians region is not an intensive tourist region, but offers a wealth of natural and cultural potential. The touristic development of these resources not only creates interesting leisure alternatives for the local population, but also important attractions for guests from outside the region.

The partial renovation of the two castles created the basis for a modern cultural and exhibition centre and interfaces for further renovations in Marchegg and Dolná Krupá.

An exhibition of the cultural heritage of both countries was created as a pilot project. The ÖMV in Vienna has initiated this project together with the Department of Art and Culture of the Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government so that the treasures from its depots can reach a wider public in Austria and Slovakia. Treasures from the museums and contributions from the population from the "Sharing Treasures" participation project launched in Vienna were exhibited. This was accompanied by interactive cultural, nature and music education programs for all age groups and concerts. All museums presented their institutions to a cross-border audience in printed form in multilingual folders and short films. A media cooperation between all project partners informed a broad public, as did a presence on social media and advertising on public transport, increasing the attractiveness of all participating institutions.

Results and impact

Through the implementation of the project, the project partners expected the institutional cooperation to be sustainable until 2025. This outlined how the Doná Krupá and Marchegg castles will be used for cultural purposes after the end of the project and defines the methodology of cooperation with the ÖMV. Following options for sustainable cooperation were developed: further joint travelling exhibitions (e.g. a hunting exhibition) or a show depot of the ÖMV in Marchegg Castle, the involvement of other organizational units of the SNM in the region (e.g. Museum Červený Karmeň).

The show depot could be used to exhibit treasures previously stored in the depots to a wider public and to draw attention to the ÖMV in Lower Austria and Slovakia. The partial renovation of the castles in Marchegg and Dolná Krupá created the infrastructure for modern exhibition operations in terms of climatic conditions and security for original exhibits as well as accessibility and service orientation for users. This will be the basis for the expansion of tourism in the Marchfeld/Little Carpathians region.

In the SNM Historical Museum in Bratislava, a new attraction for visitors was created with two display depots showing objects of folk culture. Joint media cooperation, social media platforms and tourism advertising were used to raise public awareness of the region and all partner institutions.

Tourism work for Marchegg is being expanded. The renovation of Dolná Krupá Castle, including the historic castle park and other buildings (orangery, gatehouse, park architecture, depot) will be continued as part of the perspective plans.

Dolná Krupá Castle  © Treasures

Project partners

  • Slovenské národné múzeum, Bratislava (Slovakia)
  • Stadtgemeinde Marchegg, Niederösterreich (Austria)
  • Verein / Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde, Wien (Austria)

Strategic partners:

  • Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung-Abteilung Kunst und Kultur (Austria)
  • Selbstverwaltete Region Trnava (Slovakia)
  • Ministerstvo kultúry Slovenskej republiky (Slovakia)

Project area:

  • Austria
  • Slovakia
